20 mai 2011
- documents scientifiques supplémentaires:
Rainville J., Hartigan, C., Martinez, E., Limke, J., Jouve, C., Finno, M.
(2004) Exercise as a treatment for chronic low back pain. The Spine Journal,
Vol 4, no 1, 106-115.
Liddle S.D., Baxter, G.D., Gracey, J.H. (2004) Exercise and chronic low
back pain: what works ?. Pain, 107, 176-190
O'Connor, P.J. Cook, D.B.
(1999). Exercise and pain: the neurobiology, measurement, and
laboratory study of pain in relation to exercise in humans.Exercise and
Sciences Reviews. Vol. 27.
Melzack, R. Wall, P. (1982). The Challenge of pain.
Penguin Books, England.
Marchand, S. (1998) Le phénomène de la douleur.
Chenelière McGraw-hill, Montréal.
Nachemson, A. Jonsson, E. (2000). Neck and back
pain . the scientific evidence of causes, diagnosis, and treatment,
, lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
théorique sur la douleur : Dr
Serge Marchand