Congrès Tempsdanses et
16 octobre 2011
- documents scientifiques supplémentaires:
Rainville J., Hartigan, C., Martinez, E., Limke, J., Jouve, C., Finno, M.
(2004) Exercise as a treatment for chronic low back pain. The Spine Journal,
Vol 4, no 1, 106-115.
Liddle S.D., Baxter, G.D., Gracey, J.H. (2004) Exercise and chronic low
back pain: what works ?. Pain, 107, 176-190
O'Connor, P.J. Cook, D.B.
(1999). Exercise and pain: the neurobiology, measurement, and
laboratory study of pain in relation to exercise in humans.Exercise and
Sciences Reviews. Vol. 27.